Augmented Lecture - The words I didn't say. Me, Grandpa Dino and Alzheimer's

Wednesday 22 November 2023 / 8.30 p.m. / Cuminetti Theatre

with Luca Marchetti, researcher at the Department of Cell, Computational and Integrated Biology of the University of Trento and at the COSBI Foundation in Rovereto
dramaturgical support and direction by Andrea Brunello

lighting and sound by Giacomo Gottardi
production Arditodesìo

Prior to the show there will be a brief informative moment organised by the university group Progetto Apollo.

There are times when we wish we could react intelligently, but we are not able to, we do not have the quick wit to do so, and so we miss the right moment. Luca Marchetti knows this situation very well and tells us about the time he wanted to say something important to Grandpa Dino, but was unable to utter a single word. This fact then inspired his scientific path by starting a research activity aimed at developing predictive models in the field of neurodegenerative diseases. To this day, Luca is still searching for the right words to say to his grandfather.

Everyone from 15 and up

70 minutes

Cuminetti Theatre



Teatro della Meraviglia Festival
c/o arditodesìo
via Papiria 8, 38100 Trento
Tel/fax: 0461.924470
P.I. 01984370229